Looking for a great place to dine in South Boston? Look no further and head over to Roza Lyons on East Broadway! We recently had the opportunity to connect with their owner, Rob, to learn more about his background and the story behind Roza Lyons.

Rob opened Roza Lyons in May 2016 alongside his original partner, a former co-worker from The Playwright. The name is a tribute to both their mothers, as their maiden names were Roza and Lyons. After working at the local bar together for many years, Rob and his founding partner decided to roll the dice and take a chance on their own restaurant. “We had a lot of support from an awful lot of people but none more so than Julian Bolger, Joey Arcari and Jon Cronin from The Playwright and the then Boston Beer Garden,” Rob tells us.

“I moved here in 2000. Straight to Southie. And I never left.”

With 24 staff members working the bar, floor, kitchen and front of house, there is a great sense of camaraderie at Roza Lyons. “There is a great team here, and it is probably our biggest asset,” Rob explains. Through the pandemic his employees stepped up and are now working even more seamlessly together.

With mouthwatering menu items offered, Rob walked us through some of his favorites. He let us know  his “go-to is the steak and avocado salad or the chicken pot pie when the temps start to drop.” The menu at Roza Lyons is continuously changing with the seasons. Their head chef, Marco, takes the time to curate new menu items while keeping customer favorites like pretzels, chicken empanadas, and rattlers. Marco also does weekly specials that are posted on their Instagram page every week!

Rob’s favorite thing about Southie is the sense of community. “I grew up just outside of Dublin, Ireland,” Rob tells us, “and I moved here in 2000. Straight to Southie. And I never left. And here we are almost 22 years later. You have everything on your doorstep here, too. Beautiful beaches, Castle Island, great local shopping, great bars and restaurants and all five minutes from downtown. The people here are amazing too. There is a great mix of lifelong Southie families and the new wave of people and families moving in. What else could you need?”

Rob describes the exceptional feeling of pride and togetherness in South Boston and how the pandemic helped him realize what is really important: community. “It put things into perspective. Checking in with people… with family, friends and neighbors and making sure everyone is doing ok.”

His favorite memories in Southie include those infamous snowstorms of the early 2000s! “Tending bar at The Playwright at the time, and they would forcast a big snowstorm coming in and everyone would be told to stay home from work. They didn’t. They flocked to The Playwright and I am assuming to every other bar and restaurant in South Boston. It was like the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on a random Tuesday afternoon in January.”

With probable Southie snowstorms on the horizon, we encourage you to warm up at Roza Lyons at 709 East Broadway. Try one of Rob’s go-to picks, or relax and have a drink with friends. You can find their full menu on their website!

  • Rob Fitzharris portrait
  • inside of roza lyons decor
  • outside of roza lyons